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Congratulations to the Best Projects of 2023/2024!

We are eager to continue to recognize the best projects in Silicon Valley as reviewed by our members. Catalyze SV's Project Advocacy Committee reviewed 9 projects since the beginning of 2024. Our members scored 826 N Winchester Blvd as the best Best Mixed Income project. Capitol Station TOD was reviewed as the Best Affordable Housing project! Lastly, we are proud of 1271-1279 East Julian Street for earning the Most Improved award based on the score provided by our members.


Best Mixed-Income Project of 2024: 826 N Winchester Blvd

826 N Winchester Blvd by VCI Companies is a 17-story, 135-unit, mixed-use building located just north of Valley Fair Mall in San Jose. 826 N Winchester Blvd was first presented to our members at our February 2024 Project Advocacy Committee meeting. The project received 5s—the highest score possible—in our Commmunity, Vibrancy, and Intensity categories.


Our members were greatly impressed by how many homes and amenities VCI Companies could accommodate despite the total size of the project site. Proposed onsite amenities include 18,800 square feet of privately owned public space, 7,469 square feet of community space, and 12,000 square feet of commercial space. We believe 826 N Winchester Blvd will demonstrate the viability of high-density mixed-use housing in areas outside of downtown.


Best Affordable Project of 2024: Capitol Station TOD

MidPen Housing, in partnership with Santa Clara Valley Transportation Agency (VTA), aims to create an Emerging Urban District Mobility Hub by repurposing the existing surface parking and turning it into a vibrant, walkable, bikeable, sustainable, and transit-oriented mixed-use development. Capitol Station TOD was initially reviewed by our members at our November 2023 PAC meeting, where it received an overall score of 4.14 out of 5. The project will provide 203 below-market-rate rental homes for families earning 30-60% of the Area Median Income.


Most improved Project of 2024: Capitol Station TOD

Originally presented to our members in July 2023, Julian Street Studios has since undergone significant revisions, resulting in a vastly improved project. The first incarnation of 1271-1279 E Julian Street called for a seven-story, 140-unit, market-rate apartment building,  of which 10% of units would be affordable to those earning 30% of the Area Median Income. This iteration was approved by the City of San José earlier this year in January. However, a unique set of circumstances arose, enabling the developer to rescope the project. As of August 2024, the new proposal almost entirely re-envisions 1271-1279 E Julian Street. While still seven stories tall, the project now boasts 303 100% affordable units and two additional manager’s units. Other changes include decreasing off-street parking from 133 vehicle stalls to 10 and revising of the building’s facade.


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