Bascom Station
1330 South Bascom Ave, San Jose, CA 95128
Project Overview
• Project Type: Market-rate Housing + Office
• Owner/Developer: Bay West Development
• Presented to our members: March 2019
Catalyze SV evaluates project sustainability, equity, and vibrancy. Learn about our project review process.
Bascom Station Project Scorecard
Bascom Station by Bay West Development is directly adjacent to the Bascom Light Rail Station includes 590 dwelling units, 200,000 square feet of office on a 7 acre site. The plan replaces 78,000 sf of retail while providing a 1.2 acre public plaza and 1,500 sf or replacement retail.
Bascom Station scored an overall 2.67 out of 5 from our Project Advocacy Committee members.

Community Score: 2/5
We understand the development team has spoken informally to some community groups and attended the two city organized community meetings. Unfortunately, we still hear that not all community members have been made aware of the project occuring in the neighborhood. That Bay West has not done much outside of the city organized meetings concerns us especially as there seems to be some disconnect between the proposal and the approved urban village designation. Signature projects are supposed to undergo substantive community review and incorporate feedback. We feel the effort falls short.

Vibrancy Score: 2/5
The current proposal represents a lost opportunity for the future urban village. As the gateway to both the South Bascom and Southwest Expressway urban villages and the primary retail site identified in the southern portions of each, the lack of neighborhood retail is shocking. Sites adjacent to transit are ideal for capturing morning and evening walk-by traffic from the station. Connected to office and residential, the project also benefits from a captive market during weekday lunches and weekend social outings. Without activation, the proposed plaza could easily end up barren and a magnet for illicit activity. A second look at the approach to the ground floor of both buildings is vital. We believe the retail could easily grow from 1,500 to 12,000sf or more with simple modifications.

Transportation Score: 2/5
The site location has great potential for minimal to zero traffic impact, however the current proposal does little to leverage site advantages. While the 1:1 residential and 3/1000 sf commercial parking is lower than normal, San Jose has seen many residential proposals with .5:1 or zero parking and commercial proposals with 2/1000 sf or lower parking in similar locations adjacent to transit. Many projects adjacent to transit are offering VTA transit passes or rideshare vouchers in lieu of expensive parking stalls. While the project proposes many bike spaces for the residential building, the commercial office (1,000+ employees) is severely lacking bike parking spaces and showers.

Intensity/Zoning Score: 5/5
The project uses nearly all development capacity allowed under its zoning designation. It is important that the city stick to zoning guidelines approved by city council and allow such developments to move forward. Barriers to development are worsening our housing crisis.

Sustainability Score: 3/5
Third party LEED accreditation is highly applauded. The details of the project’s sustainable approach are vague and need clarity. We encourage the development team to review the list of low/no cost sustainable features on catalyze SV’s webpage ( Native planting, pervious pavement, recycling construction waste, and efficient building systems are highly recommended. Infrastructure for future EV parking is recommended to accommodate rapidly changing automobile technology.

Affordability Score: 2/5
Affordable housing is urgently needed in San Jose. The council has extensively discussed affordability and inclusive neighborhoods over the past year. Market rate housing production is more than meeting our goals while affordable housing lags. While in-lieu fees are helpful, on site units most quickly and efficiently creates needed housing in neighborhoods and diversify our neighborhoods. Alternatively, the developer could partner with a nearby affordable housing project to make sure units are produced in the same neighborhood and in a timely fashion.

Legacy Score: N/A
The site has no legacy elements that would prevent redevelopment, but we recommend Bay West offer to donate the Dick’s Center sign to SJ Historical Society.