Mission Point
In Design
4995 Patrick Henry Drive, Santa Clara, CA 95054
Project Overview
• Project Type: Market-Rate residential + Affordable, Office/ Lab, Commercial, Childcare Center
• Owner/Developer: Kylli Inc.
• Presented to our members: August 2022
Catalyze SV evaluates project sustainability, equity, and vibrancy. Learn about our project review process.
Mission Point Project Scorecard
Mission Point is a proposal to develop roughly 48 acres of land into a mixed-use project in an area of the City of Santa Clara currently underdeveloped. The multi-use neighborhood envisions approximately 3 million square feet of office/lab space, 1,800 residential units, and 100,000 square feet of neighborhood retail anchored by a grocery store. The project will provide approximately 9,400 parking spots, most of which will be underground. This will result in more room for open space, trees, plants, and a set of amenities which includes a childcare center and a community room.
Mission Point scored an overall 4 out of 5 from our Project Advocacy Committee members.
Community Score: 4/5
Our members are very happy to have been included in Kylli’s community engagement efforts. They were particularly impressed at the number and type of community engagement activities which have been conducted. Some of the creative ways engagement has happened include pop-up stands at community events, online surveys, and meetings with neighbors and other organizations like the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition. Our members applaud Kylli’s efforts to meet people where they are. One recommendation is for the team to continue the extensive engagement efforts and include input from Mission College student-led groups, disability groups, and residents currently living in affordable housing units. Our members believe such groups will provide valuable insight into community-specific needs.
Vibrancy Score: 4/5
Our members place a big emphasis on projects where people can live, work, and play. They believe this mixed-use project will do just that through its abundance of amenities, community services, and retail options anchored by a grocery store. One of the best-received features is the 10,000 square feet childcare center which will be accessible to on-site residents as well as the surrounding community. All this will be interconnected by paths and trails with access to a central promenade making it ideal for active pedestrian and bicycle use. Yet our members believe a project this size needs a central signature element which will make this a key attraction for residents and visitors. Some recommendations our members came up with include an outdoor amphitheater or stage for arts and cultural events.
Transportation Score: 4/5
Our members were very happy to hear that Kylli has been working closely with the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition to understand the needs of cyclists throughout the site. As a result, the project offers trails and paths connecting to a promenade making it easier and safer to walk or bike. Our members were happy to hear parking has been reduced from approximately 13,500 spots to 9,400 - making more room for people, not cars. Along those lines, we were very impressed with the design and commitment to put underground most parking spots. Combined with Kylli’s decision to employ adaptable podium parking, these excellent choices enable the space to be more easily adapted if parking demand changes in the future. Our members would like to see continued collaboration with the City of Santa Clara for the development of shuttle routes and other transportation services. Some recommendations from our members include a robust TDM plan which includes bicycle parking stations throughout the site, as well as exploring providing VTA transit passes to residents and office employees.
Intensity/Zoning Score: 5/5
The proposal consists of approximately 3 million square feet of office/lab space, 1,800 residential units, 100,000 sq ft of retail space, a 10,000 sq ft child care center, and a 10,000 sq ft community center on roughly 48 acres of land. All buildings are separated by use through site quadrants yet connected by roads and trails. At its lowest height the project is about 120 feet, and the tallest section in the southwest portion of the project will reach approximately 230 feet. Residential density will be between 144 to 150 dwelling units per acre. Our members were disappointed that this key project could not go higher and provide more density, yet they understand the Federal Aviation Administration’s imposed height limitations.
Sustainability Score: 4/5
The deliberate design of underground parking was appreciated among our members as a way to reduce heat-generating asphalt and make way for open space, plants and trees. They were also happy to see solar panels proposed to offset energy costs for residents. Some of the best-received features were the inclusion of green rooftops to reduce urban heat and improve air quality, as well as the inclusion of native plants. Our members would like to see Kylli explore maximizing the use of recycled water throughout the site. This includes landscaping and public restrooms. Our members recommend pursuing LEED Gold or equivalent in both the residential and commercial portions of the project.
Affordability Score: 3/5
Our members were happy to hear that Kylli has committed to provide on-site affordable housing as opposed to paying in-lieu fees. This will result in the creation of approximately 270 affordable homes. Although commendable, our members would like to see more details regarding affordability levels related to the Area Median Income (AMI). All voting members would like to see a variety in affordability levels that go as low as 50% AMI to accommodate the same grocery workers and childcare providers who will work at the site. Our members look forward to more details from Kylli regarding affordability to hopefully re-score this category higher.
Legacy Score: N/A /5
Members of Catalyze SV didn’t think this category was applicable to this site. However, they would like to highly encourage Kylli to include markers, plaques, and/or pieces of art throughout the site that acknowledge the land, with an emphasis on Native American history.